Additional Radiography Services

As well as the World Leading SafeRad System,  SafeRad also offer a full range of Radiography Services

X-Ray Radiography

SafeRad have purpose-built x-Ray bays at all there facilities to service local Industry for spooling and welder qualification works for all clients.

We also offer a full range of onsite X-Ray tubes Directional/Panoramic and Pipeline Crawler systems


Pipeline Works

x-ray crawler system for pipelines saferad se asia

X-Ray Crawler System for Pipelines

300KV Directional X-Ray Set
Digital Radiography Plate Setup
digital radiography plate setup saferad se asia

Digital Radiography (DR)

Digital Radiography (DR) is the most advanced X-ray and Gamma Ray technology available.

Instead of X-ray film, digital radiography uses a rigid digital image capture device known as a Digital Detector Array (DDA) Panel. This gives advantages of immediate image preview and availability; elimination of costly film processing steps; a wider dynamic range, which makes it more forgiving for over- and under-exposure; as well as the ability to apply special image processing techniques that enhance overall display quality of the image.

The Digital Detector Array (DDA) panel produces the best image quality in the market allowing for the highest level of detection. The unique combination of fast image generation, software enhancement and analysis tools, as well as efficient operation, dramatically speeds up the inspection process, increasing NDT profitability.

Portability enables fast set up under any conditions, at any location – whether it is on site, outdoors or in the laboratory. With the super thin DDA imager and integrated wireless options, you can conduct X-ray and Gamma Ray inspections anywhere, without cables. Highest quality, razor sharp images are created with a click of a button enabling you to conduct an analysis on your laptop immediately, on site.

Modular Design: Easy setup, dual use, in the lab or in the field. Compatible with portable Pulsed, Constant Potential & High Frequency X-ray sources, as well as Isotopes. Full synchronisation with various X-ray sources.

Corrosion Monitoring: Automatic Wall Thickness Measurement, Precise Wall Thickness & Defect Measurement Tools. Facilitates fast and exact (calibrated) multiple measurements.

Image on Screen within Seconds! No re-positioning, results shown immediately. No developing! No scanning! No chemicals!

Image Share: Images stored electronically, share images around the world for viewing by your client with free client viewing software.

Corrosion Monitoring Images: showing wall thickness measurement


Weld enhanced with software tools showing defects clearly


Brach Weld enhanced with software tools showing defects clearly

Computed Radiography (CR)

CR is the abbreviation for Computed Radiography. It is the use of a Phosphor Imaging Plates to create a digital image known as the CR process. CR uses a cassette-based system like analogue film.

CR offers all the same Software advantages as Digital Radiography but uses a flexible Image plate rather than a rigid Digital Panel.

SafeRad have Completed a number of Projects Australia and Worldwide with Computed Radiography.

Film Digitisation 

Film Digitizing System is an all-in-one imaging solution developed exclusively for the radiographic inspection industry. It easily transfers the industrial X-Ray film into a digital image for storage and management which makes it convenient to view and share.

It is a cost-effective way to digitize and archive radiographic film.

With just a simple and fast connection, you are able to transfer physical data into digital format.

SafeRad offer state of the art Film Digitization equipment for Archiving of X-Ray film Radiographs.